
Welcome to Rush Funeral Homes & Crematory in Oakdale, Pineville, Oberlin, Kinder, Glenmora, Pitkin, Hineston, and Pine Prairie, LA

Thank you for visiting Rush Funeral Home website. Since 1966, we've been deeply committed to our community. During the last years of providing caring, compassionate service to our neighbors, we've always believed that it's important to understand and appreciate our local traditions and to serve each family individually, personally and compassionately.

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Kelly Rush Savoy




- Show your support - Order Flowers We offer a variety of arrangements delivered directly from a local florist to help comfort and support those who need it the most. Shop Now

How we can help

What Our Families Have To Say

Why choose our funeral home?

Rush Funeral Homes & Crematory is dedicated to providing personalized, professional, and compassionate services to your family. Our goal is to lessen the burden on your family so that you can focus on celebrating your loved one's life and beginning your grief journey. Hear what other families have said about our services and get to know our experienced staff.

Recent Obituaries

Rush Funeral Home - Oakdale
Phone: (318) 335-1180
113 South 11th Street, Oakdale, LA 71463

Rush Funeral Home - Pineville
Phone: (318) 448-0846
3307 Monroe Highway, Pineville, LA 71360

Rush Funeral Home - Oberlin
Phone: (337) 639-4429
301 South 6th Street, Oberlin, LA 70655

Rush Funeral Home - Kinder
Phone: (337) 738-2562
510 North 8th Street, Kinder, LA 70648

Rush Funeral Home - Glenmora
Phone: (318) 748-6344
1204 7th Avenue, Glenmora, LA 71433

Rush Funeral Home - Pitkin
Phone: (318) 335-1180
1009 2nd Street, Pitkin, LA 70656

Rush Funeral Home - Hineston
Phone: (318) 793-9974
1885 Highway 121, Hineston, LA 71438

Rush Funeral Home - Pine Prairie
Phone: (337) 599-7203
1726 Railroad Street, Pine Prairie, LA 70576


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